A Coastal Wilderness

The Atlantic coastline of Virginia’s Eastern Shore is a unique coastal wilderness that spans 70 miles from the Virginia/Maryland border to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.

What makes this region special?

Virginia’s Eastern Shore is characterized by vast, mostly undeveloped marshes, barrier island beaches and coastal lagoons that support globally important populations of migratory birds, are the site of intensive large scale oyster reef and eelgrass restoration projects, and provide extensive recreation opportunities in remote settings. Learn more about the natural history of this amazing coastal landscape.

Barrier Islands

Coming soon….more information about the Virginia Eastern Shore Seaside barrier islands.

Smith Island dunes

Photo by Alex Wilke / TNC

Salt Marsh and Coastal Lagoons

Coming soon….more information about the Virginia Eastern Shore Seaside salt marsh and coastal lagoons.

Salt marsh

Photo by Gordon Campbell | At Altitude Gallery

Migratory Birds

Coming soon….more information about the Virginia Eastern Shore Seaside migratory birds.



Coming soon….more information about the Virginia Eastern Shore Seaside oysters.

Oyster reef

Photo © TNC


Coming soon….more information about the Virginia Eastern Shore Seaside eel grass.


Photo © TNC


Coming soon….more information about the Virginia Eastern Shore Seaside plants.

Flowering plant on Raccoon Island

Photo © USFWS